
Stop Napping and Come Get Your Liberty!!

Episode Summary

Dan, Corey, and Bel "The Bodysnatcher" bring you the latest in culture, domestic politics, and the geo-political landscape with a heavy injection of opinion and humor.

Episode Notes

In today's addition of "Two Intellectual Idiots Fostering Political and Cultural Literacy" Dan, Corey, and Bel "The Bodysnatcher " take YOU, the disenfranchised or politically homeless sane person into:


1) A Michigan township fired its entire government and changed the locks on City Hall in the middle of the night!. AH, what power the people can wield!


2) Javier Milei's first day in office showing us exactly what a libertarian President is capable of doing. Will it pay off? We'll be watching.


3) Democrats in congress proposing a bill to get "Hedge Funds" out of the business of single family home buying. What does that mean? We don't exactly know yet. But there are some possibilities.


4) The Kate Cox abortion case: The cluster f**k we all wanted to see when state abortion laws went into effect.






The Free Press

Dan Carlin

Breaking Points With Krystal & Saagar

The Fifth Column

Reason Magazine

The Reason Round Table

The Grayzone

Dave Smith's "Part of the Problem"

Blocked and Reported


Based Politics

The Daily Wire


The Jordan Harbinger Show

The Jimmy Dore Show

The Joe Rogan Experience

Useful Idiots

"Pushback" With Aaron Matè

"Honestly" With Bari Weiss

Matt Taibbi

Glen Greenwald

Aaron Matè

Max Blumenthal