
Mini Me...Stop Humping The Laser

Episode Summary

Dan, Corey, and Bel "The Bodysnatcher" bring you the latest in culture, domestic politics, and the geo-political landscape with a heavy injection of opinion and humor

Episode Notes

In today's addition of "Two Intellectual Idiots Fostering Political and Cultural Literacy" Dan, Corey, and Bel "The Bodysnatcher " take YOU, the disenfranchised or politically homeless sane person into:

1) Sputnik 2.0 shows some Americans aren't very good at history or its meaning a significance. Congressman, Mike Turner (one of Washington's most hard line Ukraine supporters) tells us that a Russian Space n*ke is going to destroy us all. DUCK...AND COVER...DUCK...AND COVER.

2) Alexei Navalny dies in Russian Prison. And for those of you that think we at Libservative were some how defending Putin in his interview with Tucker last week (Go back and Listen)... This tragedy will show these accusations are quite unfounded.




The Free Press

Dan Carlin

Breaking Points With Krystal & Saagar

The Fifth Column

Reason Magazine

The Reason Round Table

The Reason Interview With Nick Gillespie

The Grayzone

Dave Smith's "Part of the Problem"

Blocked and Reported


Based Politics

The Daily Wire


The Jordan Harbinger Show

The Jimmy Dore Show

The Joe Rogan Experience

Useful Idiots

"Honestly" With Bari Weiss

Matt Taibbi

Glen Greenwald

Aaron Matè

Max Blumenthal


Intro Music:  Blow Up by Onur Ormen & LBLVNC