
Kanye (Ye) Breaks The World While Hershel Walker and Dr. Oz Save It

Episode Summary

Ye (Kanye) sounded like an Anti-Semetic Propagandist on Lex Fridman's Show. How should we handle it? "The Most Consequential Election Ever" has the worst people at the forefront....again. Pfizer could be making some moves regarding the Covid-19 vaccine. Progressive Democrats think about taking on the establishment again. But proceed to get put in timeout...again.

Episode Notes

Ye (the human formerly known as Kanye West) is in the news for some Tweets and some stuff he said. Corey and Dan took the time to listen to his two-hour interview on the Lex Fridman show. What is really going on here? With Kanye, it's always tough to know but it doesn't look good. 

The midterms are right around the corner. If you listen to either wing of the uniparty, it would appear that the world is going to end after this election regardless of who wins what! So lets all be nihilists and pop some popcorn, shall we? 

Is Pfizer preparing for the vaccine's Emergency Use Authorization to be lifted on the Covid-19 vaccines? 

Negotiation over Ukraine is a big no-no. Just ask the progressives in congress that dipped their toe into the water a little too far....And immediately proceeded to cuck out to the establishment......Again.


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