
America: The Octogenarian Kleptocracy

Episode Summary

Intellectual Idiots Fostering Political and Cultural Literacy Thru Discussion, Debate and Humor. Who's worse, Democrats or Republicans? The Left or The Right? Liberals or Conservatives?... The answer is...... It doesn't matter because it is the wrong discussion.

Episode Notes

In today's addition of "Two Intellectual Idiots Fostering Political and Cultural Literacy" Dan, Corey, and Bel "The Bodysnatcher " take YOU, the disenfranchised or politically homeless sane person into: 

1) Dan's triumphant return to the show after Metro Detroit's crumbling infrastructure put him in a 3rd World disaster movie for 72 hours. 

2) The possible debate between Jordan Peterson and Richard Dawkins is the heavyweight fight every intellectual should be salivating over. Get Dana White involved and get this thing on PPV!! 

3) Mitch McConnell and Dianne Feinstein forget where they are and have to have their handlers pour them some warm milk and tuck them in for a nap. Is it okay to put some of the blame for their extended tenure on the voters? 

4) Every day there seems to be a new revelation of wrongdoing from The Bidens and / or Donald Trump. What do we make of all this? And when does it stop being funny?



The Free Press 

Dan Carlin 

Breaking Points With Krystal & Saagar 

The Fifth Column 

Reason Magazine 

The Reason Round Table 

The Grayzone 

Dave Smith's "Part of the Problem" 

Blocked and Reported 


Based Politics 

The Daily Wire 


The Jordan Harbinger Show 

The Jimmy Dore Show 

The Joe Rogan Experience 

Useful Idiots 

"Pushback" With Aaron Matè 

"Honestly" With Bari Weiss 

Matt Taibbi 

Glen Greenwald 

Aaron Matè 

Max Blumenthal